The Trial - Onboarding Template
A template for onboarding new crewmates into their trial period
This is a template with key lessons you need to learn as part of your onboarding process. We call this ‘The Trial’. At the end of the trial, you can ‘walk the plank’, which is like an exam. Passing this exam means you will be promoted (keelhauled) from a pirate to a sailor and become full part of the Sustainable Ships crew. Hence, the purpose of the Trial is to prepare you for the Exam and determine if there is a fit between you as a Pirate and Sustainable Ships.
Mentor Responsibilities & Actions
Mentor is responsible to make sure Pirate operates in a safe environment and achieves full potential
Copy tasks for onboarding in Notion
Schedule onboarding session
Sign NDA and/or Contract
Add Pirate to Notion + show around
Add Pirate to Squarespace + show around
Add Pirate to Google Workspace + show around
Add Pirate to other tools required for working + show Tools stack for working
Make draft crewmember blog post (Take Role Template)
Discuss the achievement and length of contract at Sustainable Ships (Rule 9 - Everything comes to an end)
Discuss feedback on the foundation of Sustainable Ships (Why, How, What)
Sustainable Ships’ Keel
The ‘keel of Sustainable Ships’ is our organization’s foundation. It is basically the Sustainable Ships Extended Version, plus the blogs and secret internal information backing it up. In it, we explain the why, how and what of Sustainable Ships. Read the extended version of Sustainable Ships first, then read the following blogs:
Cause - comment with your own vision
Non-Negotiables - tell us what is unclear
Plan - does it makes sense
Proof and validation - tell us what we don’t want to know
Provide feedback in these blogs using the comment section at the bottom of the blogs. These will be discussed to ensure you understand why we do things the way we do, and to ensure you can make type 2 decisions on your own. Writing down your comments will retain questions for future audiences and will serve to improve the blogs themselves.
What is our value proposition? About our offer, pricing, benefits and how we are different
How we communicate and find information, both inside and outside the organization
How we plan, grow, and avoid entropy creeping into our organization
Pirate Responsibilities and Actions
The Pirate is responsible to set its own goal and ask for guidance from Mentor and know how we work
Make your Crew blog post (Take Role Template from mentor)
Write down the goal of your assignment in the blog post
Set milestones or targets for yourself (tangible and recurring reminders)
Note PalantirQs in your agenda
Perform the 16 personalities type test and note down your profile in Notion
Perform the DISC model test and note down your profile in Notion
Read the Notion, Excel, Grid,is, General and Squarespace tutorials and write down questions in comments
Read the Non-Negotiables and write down questions in comments
Perform a Premortem by yourself and your goal and share the results with mentor
Make sure Mentor is aware of what holds you back so you can achieve full potential
These tutorials show the basics of working with Excel for Sustainable Ships. It highlights the basics of how to get started, key functions we use, some nice references, and everything else you need to know to work with Excel.
These tutorials highlight ‘Sustainable Ships basics’, or in other words guidelines on some of the most common things we do within the organization. These include how to organize a lunch and learn session, how the Decarbonizer works, how the platform works etc.
These tutorials show the basics of working with Squarespace for Sustainable Ships. It highlights the basics of how to get started by posting a blog, creating content, posting tools, doing analytics, making pages and everything else you need to know to work with Squarespace.
These tutorials show how Sustainable Ships creates tools using It highlights the basics of how to get started in Grid from excel sheet, to making the tool, to posting it on Squarespace. Learn everything there is to know about working with
The Why How and What of Sustainable Ships