United Kingdom
UK Chamber of shipping has adopted a target of net-zero emissions by 2050.
UK Chamber of Shipping advocates widespread shore power adoption by 2030.
At present, only two ports in Britain are equipped for shore power – Orkney and Southampton.
Shell has the ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050. Learn all about the targets and ambitions of Shell with regards to maritime sustainability.
Learn all about the United Kingdom Monitoring, Reporting and Verification regulatory framework used to determine carbon tax for shipping industry.
Learn all about the United Kingdom Monitoring, Reporting and Verification regulatory framework used to determine carbon tax for shipping industry.
About UK
The United Kingdom (UK) has traditionally been very progressive in terms of environmental protection on land, but insignificant at sea. Additionally, due to political upheaval in the last few years including Brexit, legislation with regards to maritime sustainability has been minimal. This has resulted in almost no dedicated legislation for vessels and arguably the least amount of shore power connections of any developed country. Recently an uptake on sustainability and decarbonization is taking place, and new ambitions have been announced focussing on shore power and the duplication of the European MRV and ETS system for shipping.
The UK Chamber of Shipping has adopted a target of attaining net-zero emissions by 2050, twice the current level of ambition at IMO. It wants to see British shipping accelerate its decarbonization efforts, to include widespread adoption of shore power at UK ports by 2030. It forms part of new 12-point regulatory framework being called for by the industry to drive widespread adoption of shore power and other zero emission options by 2030 at the latest (download the shore power position paper here).
For certain types of vessels, in maritime ports, shore power will need to cover at least 90% of a vessel’s requirement starting in 2025. At present, only two ports in Britain - Orkney and Southampton - are equipped for shore power. TEN-T core and comprehensive inland waterway ports need to provide at least one installation that supplies shore side electricity to inland waterway vessels with some ports starting in 2025.
For vessels operating in UK waters, the UK MRV and UK ETS systems are being developed to monitor (MRV) and tax (ETS) emissions from shipping. These are supplementary to the EU MRV and EU ETS systems and only apply to UK-UK and UK-external travels. When travelling from and to a European site, the system is not required. More information is provided in the subsequent chapters.
This case study determines the costs of compliance for a 3,000 TEU Panamax containership with respect to FuelEU and EU ETS. Estimated annual compliance costs for business as usual range from $2.5M in 2025 to $23M in 2050. Two different pathways are evaluated to determine mitigation options and OPEX costs: shore power and wind-assisted propulsion. Savings for shore power are approx. $400k per year in 2025, savings for wind-assisted propulsion are approx. $600k in 2025.
This case study calculates and compares EU ETS and FuelEU compliance costs for three major shipping companies: CMA CGM, Hapag-Lloyd and COSCO. From 2025 until 2050, these three companies will pay a total compliance cost of $54B (CMA CGM), $25B (Hapag-Lloyd) and $32B (COSCO).
This case study calculates and compares the compliance costs with regards to EU ETS and FuelEU for VLSFO, bio-methanol and e-ammonia. Results show that the averaged compliance costs for VLSFO between 2025 and 2050 are $966 per mT.
This case study determines the effects of pooling a fully electric small-sized chemical tanker with similar type vessels in the context of FuelEU Maritime. The results show that a single electric ship can include up to 69 ships in its pool in 2025, each ship consuming 2,555 mT MDO per year.
Accurate estimates of containership power demand are becoming increasingly critical due to stringent regulations, such as FuelEU Maritime, in combination with technical complexities. Ship power demand varies significantly depending on size, onboard equipment installed, and operational profile. These uncertainties places considerable pressure on terminal owners, port authorities, and developers to design and implement shore power infrastructure. This blog aims to provide guidance on this issue.
This case study determines the impact of FuelEU Maritime on a shore power refit for a RoRo Cargo ship under multiple loading and operational conditions. Pending on the amount of days connected to the grid and the average load while moored, it is estimated that shore power can save €250,000 per year.
This case study also examines a general cargo ship with an auxiliary engine of 116 kW that is outfitted with a battery to make it a ‘battery hybrid’ while at berth. Again the battery pack powers the ship for several hours while idling or moored and is recharged using the auxiliary engines. This time however, engine load is varied in different loading scenarios to determine the impact of different operational profiles on the business case.
This case study examines a general cargo ship with an auxiliary engine of 116 kW that is outfitted with a battery to make it a ‘battery hybrid’ while at berth. The battery pack powers the ship for several hours while idling or moored and is recharged using the auxiliary engines. Cost savings generally occur with an average engine load below 50%, but are mostly dependent on engine maintenance costs, spares and consumables as well as total battery pack costs.
This is a case study that determines the impact of FuelEU Maritime on a shore power refit business case up to 2050, taking several ships and varying input parameters to determine the impact under multiple conditions. As FuelEU Maritime will make shore power mandatory in 2030 for passenger- and containerships, this tool will help to determine the impact of that regulation on your business case.
This is a techno-economic case study that provides guidance for decarbonizing a feeder by means of a shore power refit. Shore power will be made mandatory by 2030 for these ship types as per FuelEU Maritime regulation. A step-by-step approach is given to estimate costs, analyse technical feasibility, and create a business case for the shore power refit in general.
The FuelEU Maritime pooling mechanism is complex. The FuelEU Pool Tool makes it simple. Use this tool to compare cost impact of FuelEU, EU ETS and the fuel itself when pooling up to ten different ships. Blend different quantities of fuel, change fuel properties and compare the cost outlook until 2050 to make your very own FuelEU pooling strategy.
FuelEU is complex. The FuelEU Case Maker makes it simple. Use this tool to compare cost impact of FuelEU, EU ETS and the fuel itself for up to five different cases. Blend different quantities of fuel, change fuel properties and compare the cost outlook until 2050 to make your very own FuelEU strategy.
How do we deal with the challenges surrounding shore power? Why is standardization so important? And what will we achieve with collaboration? Find out together with Fanni Arvai, Innovation & Sustainability Manager at International Car Operators and passionate about changing the maritime industry in a positive way with a vision for a more inclusive and environmentally conscious future.
IEC/IEEE 80005 is the main standard for shore power. This standard categorically divides shore power plugs and sockets into low voltage shore connection systems (LVSC < 1 MVA) and high voltage shore connection systems (HVSC > 1 MVA). LVSC systems are governed by IEC/IEEE 80005-3 for operability and IEC 60309-5 for dimensions. HVSC systems are governed by IEC/IEEE 80005-1 for operability and IEC 62613-2 for dimensions.
On behalf of the Province of South-Holland, Sustainable Ships has been project leader of 'Project BOEI’, a techno-economic feasibility study on the electrification of tankers off the coast of Scheveningen, Netherlands. The study was performed with consortium members InnovationQuarter, Bluewater, Knutsen, EOPSA, Rijkswaterstaat, Campus@Sea, Port of Rotterdam, KVNR and Cavotec. This lunch and learn is the recording of the close-out session in which main findings were presented.
Project BOEI is a techno-economic feasibility study on behalf of the Province of South-Holland on the electrification of tankers at the Scheveningen anchorage. The goal is to identify the most feasible technical solutions and risks, in addition to cost and emissions reduction estimation. Primary drivers are reduction of NOx and CO2 emissions. Total costs for all scopes combined is €14M (~€12M for infra and ~€2M for ship). E-anchor and subsea cabling are approximately 50% of all cost. Break-even price parity for shipowner and provider of power is at around €0.20-€0.25 per kWh.
Renewable Energy Units - Hernieuwbare Brandstof Eenheden - are a Dutch system of certificates based on the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED). Under the system, parties that produce liquid fossil fuels for transport have an obligation from the government to purchase REUs. Per year, €1 billion REUs are traded in the Netherlands. You can earn between 4.5 and 18 eurocents per kWh ‘sold’ to a vessel, for example when using shore power.
Metasorbex™ is a startup in the chemical industry that offers technology to produce carbon-neutral and cost-effective methanol. Existing feedstocks or even waste streams from hydrogen industry can be used. Current cost for one metric ton of methanol in US is $400 to $500. Metasorbex’s technology could provide not only a carbon-neutral, but cheaper form of methanol. Maritime industry - in particular in EU - is most interesting due to incentives and penalties on CO2.
This blog provides techno-economic guidance for the use of SBCC onboard your vessel, including operational impact, logistics and of course the costs for implementation. Key points include the following; SBCC is applicable to virtually all ship types, sizes and fuel type but LNG is preferred. SBCC produces 2 m3 of CO2 per day per MW. SBCC costs €115 per ton CO2, is a CAPEX dominated technology and costs €175k per MW.
This is a case study on the ‘Skoon Skipper’, a general cargo large Rhine vessel, with an average of 40 [kW] power demand while moored to which a shore battery is applied. Batteries can help you comply with shore power regulations where no infrastructure exists with limited to no CAPEX investments. CAPEX is €0 for this case study as the battery pack is rented at an estimated €400 dayrate. Purchase cost for battery pack are approx. €350.000. This case study is powered by our preferred partner Skoon.
The N997 has two propulsion motors with a capacity of 900 [kW] each and a total battery capacity of 50 [MWh] - best estimate currently available. The 120 meter long ship has a fully electric drive, can carry up to 700 TEU and is able to swap battery packs en route. The vessel is designed for Chinese inland and coastal waters, covering over 600 nautical miles of routes on the Yangtze River.
Maersk’s Stillstrom and North Star have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate the adoption of offshore charging and vessel electrification technologies for Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs) in the offshore wind sector. Offshore charging hubs will enable the vessels to recharge their battery systems using wind energy while in the field.
This is a case study of a trailing hopper suction dredger with 14MW installed power - the ‘Happy Hopper’ - which is converted to methanol combustion. This case study is inspired by the amazing work done by Van Oord. With the given assumptions on emission factors for methanol, 93% CO2 reduction is achieved. CAPEX for a methanol refit of this size is approximately €6M+, of which roughly €5M is intended for engine refit only. OPEX will be greatly increased unless methanol price is below €500 per mT.
This is a case study on how to decarbonize a fishing trawler - the Jacobus Maria - using shore power, battery hybrid EES and biofuels. 20% CO2 reduction is achieved, half of which stems from the use of biofuels (HVO). The hybrid battery pack is economically not feasible with the assumptions used and the operational profile. The Jacobus Maria has 1 MW installed engine capacity. Total cost would be at least €1M. 10% CO2 reduction can be achieved with approx. €50k.
Neste Corporation calls its own HVO product “Neste Renewable Diesel”. The common acronym “HVO” comes from the terms “Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil”. It meets the requirements of EN 15940 for paraffinic diesel fuels and is allowed as a blending component in EN 590 B7 diesel fuel. It is a high quality fuel that can be used to enhance the properties of the final diesel blend. No modifications to vehicles required and it has the same torque and maximum power as with fossil diesel fuel in modern engines.
The Corvus BOB (Battery On Board) is a standardized, class-approved, modular battery room solution available in 10-foot and 20-foot ISO high-cube container sizes. The complete system comes with battery, monitoring system, HVAC , TR exhaust, plus firefighting and detection system. The plug and play battery room simplifies integration into any system integrator’s power management system on board a ship. The battery cells have passive thermal runaway protection, and are type-approved according to DNV.
On May 10th, Port of Amsterdam awarded the contract for the realization of shore power at Cruise Port Amsterdam (CPA) to Powercon A/S and with BAM as subcontractor. Dick van Veen and Rick van Akkeren - BAM Business Unit Heavy Duty Charging - explain in detail about the project and the challenges that they are facing. Building the infrastructure that can host large cruise vessels and support the heavy electrical equipment is therefore a daunting task, all of which is discussed in this video.
During the lunch and learn, current forum Director Syb ten Cate Hoedemaker will exchange knowledge and experience from the usage of batteries within the shipping and offshore industries. You will learn which batteries will suit your vessel, plus discover the costs and payback for different operational modes. Which battery suits your vessel, your needs, your operational profile? This is the key question discussed in this lunch and learn with Maritime Battery Forum.
This is a case study on how to decarbonize a ro-ro passenger vessel by applying Ecospeed to its hull. Ecospeed is a hard, non-toxic coating which provides long-lasting protection for all ship hulls. The hypothetic vessel is called ‘Lady Ice Cold’, a ro-ro operating in North-Western Europe with 33 MW installed engine capacity. Ecospeed reduces carbon emissions by 9% - 16% with a total CAPEX of €390.000.
This is a case study on how to decarbonize a tug by making it full electric. It is an homage to Damen’s electric tug ‘Sparky’. In practice, fully electrifying a vessel means to install a - very large - battery pack, in this case at least 3 MWh. This would also be the largest cost component, outweighing switchboard modifications, inverter and other electrical equipment. Cost reductions in OPEX/dayrate are high, between 50% to 90% in extreme cases.
BP has the ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050. Learn all about the targets and ambitions of BP with regards to maritime sustainability.