IMO mandated carbon intensity reduction plan

Includes CII - 11% reduction of CO2 required by 2026, 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2050

Download Example SEEMP III

Available soon

Frequently Asked Questions

  • SEEMP stands for Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan.

    It is a requirement of the revised MARPOL Annex VI which formally enters force in November 2022 with the aim of reducing the carbon intensity of shipping. Vessels are required to have an assessed SEEMP Part III onboard by 1 January 2023.

  • Ships of 5,000 GT+ on international voyages, and is one of the following ship types defined in MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 2:

    • Bulk carrier

    • Combination carrier

    • Containership

    • Cruise passenger ship

    • Gas Carrier

    • General cargo ship

    • LNG carrier

    • Refrigerated cargo carrier

    • Ro-ro cargo ship

    • Ro-ro cargo ship (vehicle carrier)

    • Ro-ro passenger ship

    • Tanker

  • Six items must be included:

    1. CII Calculation Methodology, a description of the methodology that will be used to calculate the ship's attained annual operational CII, with the obtained rating (A, B, C, D or E).

    2. Required CII values over the next 3 years, calculated based on vessel’s operational data.

    3. Implementation plan for achieving the required CII during the next three years, with yearly targets.

    4. Procedures for self-evaluation and improvement.

    5. The processes that will be used to report this value to the ship's Administration.

    6. Possibly corrective action plan in case of inferior rating (if rating is E, or if rating is D for three consecutive years).


Further amendments to MARPOL Annex VI (IMO Resolution MEPC.328(76)) were adopted at 76th session of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) in 2021. These amendments included the use of a ‘Carbon Intensity Index’ or CII rating. This rating is introduced from 1 January 2023 based on the annual fuel consumption of each ship with the aim to reduce carbon intensity of ships.

IMO DCS data will be subject to the CII rating, and a rating (A, B, C, D or E) will be given to each ship from 2024 onwards. For ships that have E rating in any year, or D ratings for 3 consecutive years, it is required to develop a corrective action plan in the SEEMP Part III and the plan should be confirmed by the Administration or an Recognized Authority.

No matter what the rating, all ships subject to the CII rating are required to develop a SEEMP (Part III) to include "CII calculation methodology", "Required CII values over the next 3 years", "implementation plan for achieving the required CII" and "procedures for self-evaluation and improvement", which should be confirmed by the Administration or an Recognized Organization.

  • Start 1 January 2023 for all cargo, RoPax and cruise vessels above 5,000 GT and international trade.

  • 5% CO2 reduction 2023 - 11% CO2 reduction in 2026 - 40% CO2 reduction 2030 - 70% CO2 reduction 2050.

How to mitigate

Use the Decarbonizer or download an example SEEMP III here (available soon).



DNV - IMO Update on MEPC 78

Lloyd’s Register - SEEMP III

Class NK - SEEMP

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