Decarbonize your ship in 5 steps

This is the old version and will no longer be updated - check out the latest version here

How does the Decarbonizer work?

  • It’s fun time! After selecting your ship type and pressing start, you can check your ship details and customize your operational profile. Choose the amount of sailing days, increase or decrease power demand, change your specific fuel curve and more!

  • Hold up! How much do you need to decarbonize? To which rules and regulations do you need to comply? Check out what you need to do and set your ambitious (or not so ambitious) targets here - we don’t judge!

  • Decarbonize! Choose up to three preferred carbon reduction measures: a shore power measure, a measure that prevents the combustion of fuel, and a measure to change your fuel. Compare different technologies and play around with the fuel costs to see how they impact your dayrate!

  • Time to get greedy! Customize your business case and determine how other ways of financing, different assumptions or the fuel price benefit your investment. This section is specially designed for the CFOs among us!

  • Input your email and receive a free PDF with a comprehensive overview for your vessel. The report includes a detailed cost breakdown for your technology and more background information on your preferred decarbonization measures. Contact the helpdesk at any time for support!


Case Studies

Learn more and find vessel or technology measure examples in these case studies


Need more?

Make your own Decarbonizer. Buy the Excel

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Contact the helpdesk at any time to clarify your questions